These are the questions in our mind:
1.) Why did baby monggo 1 (The one we put fertilizer) not grow well/not grow until now? What is the proper time to shower fertilizer to a monggo plant? Were we doing the right process?
We think that the right time to place fertilizer is when the plant has germinated/sprouted already. Seeds do not have enough strength to absorb these fertilizers and maybe that is the cause of why baby monggo 1, died. That is based on our experience. Based on our research, YOU HAVE TO AVOID PUTTING FERTILIZER TO A NEWLY GROWN PLANT/SEED. Now we see where we went wrong. Please be guided! :)
2.) Why is our plant's leaves, droopy? What are we doing wrong?
Based on what I've observed and searched.. The reason for this is THE PLANT IS STRESSED. What do I mean by this? It means that the plant may.. Lack water, Lack nutrients or there is an insect infestation. I also searched that healthy plants should have really green leaves like the color of spinach. So readers, make sure to meet these requirements! :)
These are all our questions so far. feel free to comment and ask!
"Spread the love!!!" -Baby monggo
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